Welcome to Prague

Educating and training young women in self-defense and martial arts gives them valuable life skills and strengthens their ability to cope with difficulties as well as giving them techniques to manage potentially dangerous situations. I am pleased and proud that both of my daughters have participated in El HaLev programmes.”
~ Mrs. Jill Meron, wife of the Ambassador of Israel to the Czech Republic

Not too long ago, Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman had the privilege of attending a conference in Prague, and she fell in love with the city.
Yehudit was warmly welcomed by the Israeli Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Daniel Meron, who introduced her to Linda Stucbartova. At this meeting of hearts and minds, the three knew they were going to change the world together.
Together, they decided that they wanted to host VPEC2021 in Europe, where there's an awakening happening to the importance of Empowerment Self Defense.
As a matter of fact, in 2016, the European Parliament commissioned a study on the prevention of violence against women.
One of the most profound findings was that self-defense, especially Empowerment Self Defense, is a promising practice with an implicit theory of change in terms of preventing violence against women.
The decision to hold VPEC2021 in Prague was easy.
It's definitely the perfect backdrop for this life-changing work.